Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Clematis Needles & Harmony Socks. Oh, oops.

OK, family: this is a 100% knitting entry, so you may want to skip it.

The Fiesta Boomerang socks are almost done. Man, that sportweight knits up fast! I used size 2 needles for the foot and leg of the socks, and size 1.5 for the ribbing at the top. Look at the new needles I got just in time to do the ribbing on these socks:
The new Knit Picks Harmony dpns. I ordered these because I really needed a set of size 1.5 needles and could not find them anywhere. The very nice ladies at my LYS looked at me like I had two heads when I asked for size 1.5 needles, and they seemed to be pretty scarce online as well. I just happened to stop by the Knit Picks website one day and, lo and behold, the Harmony needles had just been added to their website. These needles are great: very pointy, very smooth, good price. I absolutely love these needles. (In fact, the full sock set would be a great gift for my birthday, if anyone would like to drop a hint in my hubby's ear....) I included the needles in this picture because I thought it was a funny (but unfortunate) coincidence how they match this yarn. I enjoy the pretty and unusual colors of the Harmony needles, but it actually is somewhat of a drawback that the colors are a bizarrely perfect match to the colors of the yarn.

I had a little surprise the other day when I wound up my Misty Mountain Farm yarn in the Virginia Creeper colorway. I had thought it looked quite nice in the skein--obviously, or I would not have bought it--but I was totally unprepared for just how gorgeous the colors would be when it was wound up. Ever since, it has had me under its spell, calling to me with its lovely mauves, grays, blues, browns and greens. I finally gave in yesterday. Look at how pretty it is:
It's a little splitty, but it's soft and I'm totally in love with the colors.

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