Tuesday, June 17, 2008

They live to play another day

Softball Pitcher
The Lucky Charms won a squeaker last night in game 4 of the playoffs, so, like the title says, they live to play another day. They play again tonight. If, by some miracle, they win, they play tomorrow night. And so on. They are having a good time, but any game could be their last. Tonight, in particular, they are facing a tough team. So we'll see.

Baby Birds almost ready to go
We are empty nesters. The baby birds, pictured here in probable teenage equivalent age, decided a day or two after this photo was taken that they needed more space (and maybe more privacy?). The birdhouse is vacant for the time being, but we comfort ourselves with the hope that maybe one of our babies will come back to start her own family in her ancestral home.

My secret project is finished. I just have to to take it to Woolbearers and show it off. I know the ladies there will Ooh and Aah for me. It's so nice to have a place to where you know you can get that gratifying admiration for your FOs. I showed the thing to my kids and C just said, "It doesn't suit you, Mom." Grr. Luckily it's not for me, I replied.
Adamas shawl
I started this, the Adamas shawl, because I've been dying to do a lacy shawl and this looks like a good introductory one. Plus I had the recommended yarn in my stash: KnitPicks Shadow Lace, in the Vineyard Heather colorway. The yarn is not quite a soft as I would have hoped, but it was crazy cheap, so what do I expect? The pattern is not difficult at all, but working with laceweight is definitely a new experience for me. I really am not used to such a light yarn. I'm finding it a little difficult to control, if that makes any sense. This picture shows the about 3 repeats done on chart 2; I am currently 6 repeats in with 8 to go. I am planning to keep it on the straight needles as long as I can. I despise circulars.

The garden is cruising along. We are inundated in lettuce, because the garden is producing so well and because our weekly farm share regularly includes several heas of greens. Holy smokes! But we finally have some little tomatoes growing and I am really looking forward to their ripening!

In other news, Rudolph has no dignity. In case we did not know.
Cat with no dignity

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