Finally, I can show you the progress I made during that idyllic time at the shore, while we all watched the Phillies on the TV in our beach house after pleasantly exhausting days riding the waves and digging in the sand.
First up, the hated The Knittery merino/cashmere socks. Lookie, lookie--I finished one and started another. Good knitter, good.

Next, considerable progress was made on the Bigfoot sock for Rich, using the Dream in Color Smooshy sock yarn in Cocoa Kiss. Still loving this yarn. I do hope the sock fits Rich OK, he would not try it on for me, so I had to guess at the length.

And finally, I finished the knitting on the Chevron Scarf. It looks wonderful. I have been putzing around trying to find an appropriate edging, though. I think it looks naked on the side without some kind of edging. First (Plan A) I tried an applied i-cord a la Kay's tutorial from Mason Dixon Knitting. This looked great, but there was no way my li'l ball of dark Schaeffer Lola was going to be enough to edge the entire scarf, so I ripped that out. I tried the i-cord with the lighter yarn, which I seem to have more of, but that looked stupid so I ripped that out too. Plan B: Now I am doing a modified version of the i-cord, using only 2 stitches instead of 4 and making a stitch when I knit up from the scarf's side. I am satisfied with the result. It gives the pattern a nice frame, and even makes the wrong side look so much cleaner.

I am praying that I have enough yarn. If I don't, I will have to rethink the entire idea. I may end up doing a single crochet instead (ugh) or finding a similar color yarn. I hope I won't need to find a Plan C (Fingers crossed).
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