We have all settled into our Fall routines, although Rich's work has been keeping him running around. There's light at the end of that tunnel, too, as he thinks things should calm down after this week. MathBoy is having fun playing "fall ball" (baseball), and Cat Crazy Girl has got soccer. We started with a different piano school, which seems to be OK, and we put a deposit down on a Real Piano. Cat Girl's honeymoon with her new teacher is not over yet--she still is very happy. Mathboy is happy, too. It's all good.
But before we say a final goodbye to Summer, let's relive that week at the beach with a few pix:

What a gorgeous week. By the way, have you ever noticed how many more pix there always are of Cat Girl than of MathBoy? We're not quite sure how it happens, but it happens all the same. She's such a ham. MathBoy did a lot of digging and building this trip, Cat Girl spent a lot of time searching for starfish, and they both did a lot of wave jumping.
Here are some more goodies: First, the Zig-Zaggy Scarf:

This pattern is fun and easy, and the yarn, Knit Picks Andean Silk, is very nice. In fact, this yarn is so soft, I wonder if it isn't too nice for MathBoy. I got it during a summer sale, so it really was inexpensive, but it's sooooo soft. It may not quite stand up to the demands of an 11-year old. Dunno about this one.
My Finished Chevron-y Scarf. I post only a small picture, because the colors here got messed up by my software, and I deleted the original picture:

The software turned the pinks into tomato-y reds, and the leaf green became kind of chartreuse. Ick. It looks much better in real life. I had enough of the dark Schaefer Lola to edge almost the entire thing. In fact, I got within 3 inches of the end with the right yarn. I couldn't believe it! So close! I hunted through my stash and found some old sportweight navy superwash to finish it up, and that worked out fine. After the edging and blocking, this project turned out great (if I say so myself). Now to decide who will get it for Christmas....
Some Rockin' Sock Club Solstice Slip Sock goodness:

Yeah, I know it was the June shipment. I'm only a few months late. I like the pattern very much. I like the addition of the gusset to the garter stitch short row heel: the results are very good. I think I would like to try this pattern again in the future with a more sedate colorway so that the stitch would stand out more.
And an unexpected case of startitis caused the casting on of this:

I did Wendy's toe-up sportweight pattern with the gusset heel, adding a lacy "V" pattern to keep my brain involved. The yarn is Fiesta Boomerang, in the Clematis colorway, purchased from the Loopy Ewe. This yarn is reeeeeeeeally nice: soft and spongy, and incredibly easy and fast to knit. I mean, look at this: one sock done already? Sportweight socks are so quick. And it helps that the Phillies are keeping us watching quite a bit lately at night, and it's easy to knit while cheerin' 'em on.
I love this sock, and already cast on the second. I know it looks a little clunky laid out like this, but it fits the foot very nicely. It's quite comfy. :o)
Off to do some paid work so I can watch the Fightin' Phils tonight. Tied for first for the wildcard! Woohoo!
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