This is the scarf I made for my brother, which is now stashed in my cedar chest for Christmas. I didn't do fringe. Not sure that grown men really go for fringe. I used Plymouth Suri Merino, holding two strands together, and did the Yarn Harlot's One-Row Scarf. It could not have been easier, and the large needles made for fast work. The yarn was great: reasonably priced and very soft.
And TA DA!

Anastasia socks in Misty Mountain Farm Jubilee sock yarn, the Virginia Creeper colorway. These are intended as another Christmas gift; I just tried them on for the photo because the pattern shows up better when there is a foot inside the sock.
I still love this yarn. The base yarn is very nice--soft and quite pleasant to knit with--but it 's not like it blew me away. I've worked with lots of yarn just as nice. The real attraction for me lies in the gorgeous colors and the shading. I love the way they work together. Unfortunately, my pictures just don't adequately convey how pretty this yarn is.
I also can't believe how much yarn there was in this skein. I have tons left over. TONS! I started making squares for the blanket Kay (of Mason Dixon Knitting) is making for Oliver's Fund. Two squares are done already and the yarn just keeps going and going. I think I can get at least another 3 squares with what I have left.

Since I finished these 2 projects, I am allowed to start something new, preferably a gift scarf, possibly another Multidirectional Scarf or Chevron Scarf, but I am having trouble deciding. I have a few skeins already wound into balls, and I am feeling ball-winding guilt. I really should do something with those first, right? But what?
Meanwhile, I returned to the Pueblo Charade socks, made with Cider Moon Glacier yarn. I turned the heel on the first already. Ah, the speed of sportweight.

These are another Christmas gift. This stitch pattern is very understated. I am very pleased. Still not in love with the yarn, though. It's the opposite of the Jubilee sock yarn: the base yarn here does blow me away. It's super soft, it flies through my fingers, and the fabric you get when you knit it has terrific stitch definition. Very nice. But the colors? Oy. My camera really darkens the copper color in this yarn. It's kind of ...hmm. Just imagine the contrast in color turned up about 3 notches and you have an idea of how stripy these socks actually look. Meh.
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