On the left is my first Blue Moon Socks that Rock sock
On the right is my February Rockin' Sock Club sock: "Inside Out." It is pretty much reversible as the pattern is garter stitch and ribbing, with a cable-ribbed leg. I had to re-engineer the pattern for the foot to fit my gauge, but the leg I was able to do according to the directions on a size 2 needle. I am proud of myself for sticking with the cable ribbed leg; I was *that* close to wimping out and just doing a plain rib. I ended up having enough yarn to make the leg pretty long, probably because of the changes I made to the foot. (I had divided the skein in half and decided to just knit the leg until I either got tired of making it or ran out of yarn, whichever came first. I do have a fair amount leftover, in case I need it for the other sock.) The sock is very comfortable. Now I just have to make its friend.
Earrings! C. was very determined to have her ears pierced, and very brave about having it done. More importantly, she has been very good about taking care of them so far. If she were just half that good about brushing her hair ....
1 comment:
Your Inside Out Socks look very nice. Mine have a shorter leg but that's probably due to the length of my foot. :-)
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